On to October!
Good Afternoon, As we wind down on September, which is hard to believe, I want to say how great of a start to the school year it has been. The students have adjusted well, and the classroom feels more and more like a home everyday. We have so many leaders in the classroom so it has been a pleasure getting to work with them everyday watching them grow! Week in Review: Leader in Me: Leaders focused on Habit 5 which is seek first to understand then to be understood which really puts an emphasis on listening to one another so we can best meet everyone's needs. Writing: You are invited to our end of unit celebration for our 4th Grade writers! On October 10th from 9:30-10:00, we will be having a "coffee shop" style writing celebration in our cafeteria where we will have coffee on hand for parents/caregivers/grandparents to enjoy while they take in the narrative writing that 4th graders completed! We hope you can join us in this celebration, as we have our writers become story...