On to October!

 Good Afternoon,

As we wind down on September, which is hard to believe, I want to say how great of a start to the school year it has been. The students have adjusted well, and the classroom feels more and more like a home everyday. We have so many leaders in the classroom so it has been a pleasure getting to work with them everyday watching them grow!

Week in Review:

Leader in Me: Leaders focused on Habit 5 which is seek first to understand then to be understood which really puts an emphasis on listening to one another so we can best meet everyone's needs.

Writing: You are invited to our end of unit celebration for our 4th Grade writers! On October 10th from 9:30-10:00, we will be having a "coffee shop" style writing celebration in our cafeteria where we will have coffee on hand for parents/caregivers/grandparents to enjoy while they take in the narrative writing that 4th graders completed! We hope you can join us in this celebration, as we have our writers become storytellers. If you could please RSVP with a head count of your family by Thursday, October 6th so we can plan accordingly for coffee that would be greatly appreciated. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.

Math: Mathematicians have been working with multi digit numbers all the way up to the hundred thousandths place adding and now subtracting with those numbers to end the week!

Reading: Readers have been developing theories grounded with text evidence. They have been realizing with this work it allows them to understand the characters in the books they are reading more, but more importantly understand the people in their lives as well with this deeper thinking.

Content: Researchers have been discovering the Ice Age Trail that runs through Wisconsin, and learning about the history of the state while also learning about the importance of Wisconsin's many waterways.

A Look Ahead:

  • Homecoming week is next week! Here are the dress up days:
    • Monday, Oct 3: PJ Day
    • Tuesday, Oct 4: Disney/Superhero Day
    • Wednesday, Oct 5: Sports Theme Day
    • Thursday, Oct 6: Mismatched Sock/Hat Day
    • Friday, Oct 7: Kaukauna Gear
  • Homecoming Parade Wednesday October 5th at 5:30

That's all for this week, hope everyone has a great weekend!

Mr. VW


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