Marching Forward
Good Afternoon,
It certainly was a busy week with the beginning of Forward testing as well as conferences, but it made for an exciting experience for everyone. Once the students get started on to their testing it is amazing to see some of their nerves go away because they realize the hard work they put in all year is paying off because they are ready and prepared for what they are being asked to do. With that being said, seeing the students take the lead during conferences offered them an opportunity to showcase their learning, and hear things from their perspective which I thought was such a awesome experience for them to step into that leadership role.
Week in Review:
Leader in Me: Leaders did such an amazing job leading conferences, and sharing their leadership binders. I know it was a different way of doing conferences, but the pride on their faces was evident. They were able to take on a leadership role in their learning, and it was a great couple of nights seeing them in this role.
Writing: Writers put their skills on display this week during the writing/language sessions of the Wisconsin Forward, and they all did an amazing job!
Math: We began our next unit which will focus on concepts of multiplication, division, data and fractions. This week we began thinking about larger division problems using money as our guide so students will use their inclination to work with it in chunks rather than dealing out dollars one by one.
Reading: Readers put their skills on display this week during reading session of the Wisconsin Forward, and they all did an amazing job!
Content: We continued our Wisconsin & Government unit in social studies understand all the intricacies that are involved in our Government. From amendments, bills, veto, balancing of power the students are gaining an understanding of what the Constitution was written for to have a Government that was for the people.
A Look Ahead:
- Forwards Testing Dates & Times
- If you could try and avoid appointments, have students here during these times it would be greatly appreciated.
- Tuesday, March 26th, 2024 - 4th Grade Field Trip to Madison
- We are at near capacity for the bus so we are working on a seating chart to help ensure we all fit!
- March 29th & April 1st - No School
That's all for this week!
Have a great weekend!
Mr. VW
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