Hello Fall!

Good Afternoon,

    It was another great week in 4th grade with celebrations of learning and growth, and I'm excited to see where we are at heading into the final week of September already. Thank you to everyone who generously donated to the NDLC Souper Bowl as well as all families and volunteers who helped make it such a successful event; it was a great week to demonstrate the power of giving items to those in need, and I think all of the students felt that way at the end of the week knowing they truly made a difference in others lives in such a positive way. It's been a great first few weeks to start the school year, and I'm excited for this class and the journey we are on together.

Week in Review:

Leader in Me: Leaders were talking and learning about Habit 4 which is Think Win Win where the idea is to come up with solutions where everyone involved ]has a winning solution in real life scenarios.

Writing: Writers completed the seed idea of their choice for narrative writing of a small moment story, and we had a mini celebration where they self assessed themselves on the growth they made as well as if they achieved their goals. They were able to become storytellers when they got the opportunity to share their stories with Mrs. Lenzner's kindergarten class today! (Pictures below)

Math: Mathematicians had worked very hard on place value up to millions this past week as well as rounding to the nearest place value. They collaborated on solving different problems, and had a quick quiz to see where they were at right now to see if we needed to go over a couple concepts to really solidify our learning.

Reading: Readers worked hard to grow ideas about the characters in their books. Not just naming any old character tract, but reaching for precise words to describe them while backing it up with text evidence. We ended the week understanding that characters are just like us, they are complex and complicated having different sides to them in different situations.

Content: Researchers began their learning on Wisconsin. Learning about the history state and its story as well as locating it within the Midwest, United States, and world.

A Look Ahead:

  • No School for student, Friday, September 30th
  • Family Night at Badger Sports Park Thursday, September 29th from 4:00-8:00
  • Homecoming week October 3rd-7th


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