Straight Ahead: Last Full Week of April

Good Afternoon,

We finished up Forward testing this week, and I can't stress enough how proud I am of every single one of the 4th graders. It is time consuming, requires a lot of energy, focus, and hard work but they persevered through every test giving it their best effort every single time. As I leave them with their long term sub, Emily Gradl, I am also feeling proud knowing that they are great leaders who I know will do amazing for her when she is filling in these next 12 days. I am excited to hear about all the amazing things they accomplish, and look forward to returning to see them for the final stretch run of the school year.

Week in Review:

Leader in Me: This week we learned about how unique life experiences lead us to have different viewpoints. Having empathy means showing respect for different life experiences and viewpoints. As a family, take turns responding to the prompt, “To me, the world would be a better place if more people showed empathy because...”

Writing: Writers began their graphic novels by book mapping their ideas out for their stories, and then transferred those book maps onto thumbnail plans. It is drastically different than what they are used to in terms of narrative writing, but they are taking the process day by day. I look forward to seeing all the growth and progress they make when completing these graphic novels.

Math: To begin the week the students took the task of completing the unfinished work of two hypothetical fourth graders who are solving the same problem using different models. Students worked together to figure out what the  problem is and how to finish the work of both children. We reviewed some of the units in which area is measured, and students worked in pairs to solve more area problems. Then as a class we had a math forum in which students discussed their work with division from earlier in the week, and then we engaged in a perimeter investigation to finish our week.

Reading: Readers began their first historical fiction book club books around their Forward testing this week. This unit emphasizes the importance of perspective, analyzing parts of a story in relation to the whole, inferring about characters and other story elements, as well as determining themes in the stories.

Content: Students explored energy! They learned that we use the energy from food to make our bodies move just like cars use the energy from gasoline to move. We also explored how energy can be stored as height. 

VW Paternity Leave - I decided back in August that when my wife and I welcomed our first child that I wouldn't take my paternity leave right away at the beginning of the year. She had been in education for 9 years, and understood my reasoning behind not wanting to miss the beginning of the school year with the students to get them started on their learning journey for this school year with me there with them. With that being said, I will be taking my paternity leave from April 19th - May 7th. That will put me out 12 school days, but I am confident in the 4th graders abilities to help lead and guide during this time I am gone with their substitute teacher. If you have any questions, please feel free to let me know. The sub for the class will be Emily Gradl for the duration of my leave; her email is:

A Look Ahead:

  • April 19th - No School
  • April 19th - Summer School Registration Opens at Noon
  • April 19th - May 7th - VW Paternity Leave
  • April 24th - Culver's Order Due
  • Skate City Field Trip - Friday, April 26th
  • May 3rd - Field Trip to PAC for Dog Man The Musical
  • May 17th - Family Night & Community Clothes Closet
  • May 22nd - 4th Grade Concert
  • May 23rd- 4th Grade Walk To Library & Picnic at Horseshoe Park at 12:30
    • This is for 4th Grade students and their Parents/Guardians/Grandparents for an End of Year/NDLC picnic 
    • Head Count for Picnic so we can plan accordingly for Lunch
  • May 29th - Last Day of School

That's all for this week!

Have a great weekend!

Mr. VW


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