Hello March!

Good Afternoon,

As we turn the page on another month of the school year, my hope is to make the final months here everything and more for all students and families. I greatly appreciate the trust you put into me as your child's teacher, and I want to make sure if there is anything more you want from me in these final few months please do not hesitate to reach out and ask. It has been a great group of students to be around daily that have really grown in so many ways, and I am so proud of them all. I look forward to continuing to strive to be our best version of ourselves everyday with them these final few months.

Week in Review:

Leader in Me: This week we learned about Habit 4: Think Win-Win and how to use this type of thinking to build good relationships. We have also learned how to make Win-Win Agreements! Together, view this resource: Everyone Can Win to learn more about win-win thinking.

Writing: Writers worked this week to understand what the prompt is asking them to do, and then ensuring they are writing in the correct genre of writing whether it be narrative, opinion, or informational. They are doing some incredible work, and I have been very impressed with their work ethic during the unit!

Math: Mathematicians to start the week worked on being polygon detectives, solving polygon riddles, and lastly playing some Polygon bingo! To end the week, , students reviewed concepts related to measuring area and perimeter. 

Reading: Readers continued their test prep reading unit for the Wisconsin Forward test. This week we focused on narrative nonfiction texts, and emphasized some of the test taking tips like taking your time, going back to the text, eliminating obvious wrong answers, and reading questions carefully.

Content: Students discovered that sound is a wave. Students drew the waves that different sounds make using a virtual oscilloscope, a machine that shows images of sound waves. They also learned why we have Leap Years.

A Look Ahead:

  • March 11th-15th - Knowledge-A-Thon Rush Week
  • March 19th & 21st - Student led Parent/Teacher Conferences
  • March 19th & 21st - Book Fair
  • March 22nd - Early Dismissal
  • Tuesday, March 26th, 2024 - 4th Grade Field Trip to Madison
    • Red Permission slips were sent home yesterday!
  • March 29th & April 1st - No School

That's all for this week!

Have a great weekend!

Mr. VW


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