First Full Week of February in the Books

Good Afternoon,

As we finish this first week, we have lots of goals students are working for within the classroom, and school wide. When students know what they are working towards, and what skills and strategies they have in order to achieve it they can do amazing things. This time of year reminders can be critical for student growth because when they realize all the things they have been learning all year they can be using, they are empowered to do amazing things. I look forward to seeing the continued growth for all of our students here at NDLC.

Week in Review:

Leader in Me: This week, students learned how to say no to less important things and how to say no to negative peer pressure.  Students learned to use self-regulation strategies when they feel big emotions from negative peer pressure. Invite your learner to teach you about the comfort zone and the courage zone. 

Writing: Writers are wrapping up their second informational books, and started to include different perspectives in their writing as well as ways to pop out key information like they see in the nonfiction books they are reading during their reading workshop time to be just like the authors.

Math: We finished our addition, subtraction, and measurement unit this past week with all students making growth from their pre-assessments! They learned efficient strategies, and how to problem solve using various conversions as well.

Reading: Readers were taught new strategies on how to best pull out the important information when reading nonfiction. Whether that be starting with reading the introduction and conclusion, and then going back to reread for details.  They also thought about History reading as a fiction book and using some of the skills of story elements to help pull out the most important information.

Content: Students explored how digital devices encode complex information so that it can be transferred over long distances. In the activity, students generated their own codes in order to transfer information across the classroom. Then, they compared their codes and evaluated which worked best given the criteria and constraints.

A Look Ahead:

  • February 14th - Wear red, white, and pink
  • February 19th - No School
  • February 26th - Last day to order yearbooks
  • February 29th - NDLC Family Night 5:30-6:30
  • Tuesday, March 26th, 2024 - 4th Grade Field Trip to Madison
    • Will send email when permission slips are sent home. I have a running document from earlier this year of people who were interested in chaperoning for this field trip.

That's all for this week!

Have a great weekend!

Mr. VW


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