Cold Outside, Learning Inside
Good Afternoon,
The past two weeks saw snow days, i-ready mid year testing, new units starting, no school days, half days, and why is it so cold outside days. Each day we are together at NDLC in my book though is a GREAT day, and I am excited to begin this second half of the school year together. The halfway point in the year is a great time to reflect, celebrate growth, and identify new goals for all of us to continue to grow, and be the best version of ourselves everyday. I have enjoyed every day so far, and I hope your child is having as much fun as I am. I look forward to making this last semester at NDLC a special, memorable one for each 4th Grader as we embark on this journey together.
Week in Review:
Leader in Me: This week we learned about the importance of prioritizing. Your learner focused on what it means to prioritize things that are important and urgent. Watch this video together and discuss what you learned about the important and urgent.
Writing: Writers began a new writing unit which they will be writing about the research they are doing during reading on the American Revolution. They are structing their informational writing with specific sections, and organizing each one section with a different structure.
Math: Mathematicians investigated and reviewed addition strategies for larger numbers. We talked about the standard algorithm, and compared it to other strategies they have learned. We finished with a checkpoint where everyone did a great job on, and are seeing growth in this part of the unit based off their pre assessments!
Reading: Readers started a new nonfiction unit where we will continue to build upon the nonfiction reading skills from our first unit. As nonfiction readers, we want to be able to summarize using the main idea, and identify the text's structure to help us be organizing in our thinking and note taking. Our topic we are exploring in this unit is the American Revolution, which we are building on the work they did in content last month.
Content: Students investigated how differences in lava types explain differences in the shape and eruption patterns among volcanoes. They discovered why volcanoes have different shapes and how the type of lava explains why some volcanoes explode.
A Look Ahead:
- All students finished their mid-year i-Ready diagnostic. Expect these results to be sent home soon. Reminder this is a one day snap shot of where they are at, and is not the end all be all of data we use to assess our students. This one data point does not capture all the great things these kids stand for, and people they are.
- Celebrate NDLC Week January 22nd-26th
- Monday - Dress like a Leader/Future Career
- Tuesday - Class Colors - We are GREEN!
- Wednesday - PJ/Comfy Clothes
- Thursday - Dog Day - Dress like a dog, wear something with a dog on it
- Friday - Purple/NDLC Wear Day
- Disclaimer: All dress up days are optional for students to participate.
- January 22nd - NDLC Pagoni's Night
- February 19th - No School
- Tuesday, March 26th, 2024 - 4th Grade Field Trip to Madison
That's all for this week!
Have a great weekend!
Mr. VW
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