Celebrate NDLC Week

Good Afternoon,

Celebrate NDLC week was a fun filled week of learning, dress up days, and ended with a whole school assembly and dance party. I truly believe NDLC is the best place for a 4k-4th Grade student to learn in the state of Wisconsin, and this week allows us as a school to market and show all the good that happens here at NDLC. As we head into a new month already next week, I am proud of all we have accomplished, and looking forward to all that this group of 4th graders are yet to achieve the remainder of the school year.

Week in Review:

Leader in Me: Leaders finished putting the work they wanted to display into their leadership binders for the first semester of the school year. They will begin adding to new binders for second semester, and will then use these for the student led conferences we will have in March.

Writing: Writers worked extremely hard putting their research to work in all the sections of their American Revolution informational books. The four sections in their book contain two all about sections about a general overview of all things Revolutionary War, a focused topic, then a narrative section, and lastly a essay section. I'm excited for them to see all their hard work come together when they finish!

Math: Mathematicians learned the standard algorithm for subtraction and compared it to other strategies they have explored.  We looked at the proficiency with methods for solving multi-digit subtraction combinations. Students were able to show what they have learned in on a subtraction checkpoint. We will begin to explore benchmarks and relative sizes for length, time, liquid volume, mass, and weight. Students will use ratio tables to convert units within the same measuring system, and apply some of the place value and multi-digit computation skills they’ve been practicing to solve story problems related to measurement. 

Reading: Readers have been researching this week on the American Revolution. They have a focused topic they are diving more into, but now are trying to gather as much information about the topic as possible. We are focusing on the nonfiction reading skills of summarizing with a main idea, and key details, looking for how the text is structured to help us pull out what is most important, and lastly rereading for the details of History that make it so interesting when thinking of the perspective of the people who lived through these events.

Content: Students explored how solid rock breaks apart into smaller pieces through a process called weathering (including root-wedging and ice-wedging). Students also gathered evidence to describe how environments on Earth have changed over time. Students explored how the process of sedimentary rock formation preserves a record of those past environments.

A Look Ahead:

  • i-Ready and Report Cards (Printed copies) will be sent home next week
    • Reminder (i-Ready) this is a one day snap shot of where they are at, and is not the end all be all of data we use to assess our students.  This one data point does not capture all the great things these kids stand for, and people they are. 
  • Project Prom - February 5th-9th
    • NDLC will be collecting NEW makeup for the Community Clothes Closet Prom Event! Each year they help make prom special for teens around the area by providing dresses, accessories, and makeup. The most desired makeup items are: bronzer, highlighters, mascara, eyeliner, brow liner, nail polish, and eye shadow.
  • February 19th - No School
  • Tuesday, March 26th, 2024 - 4th Grade Field Trip to Madison
    • Will send email when permission slips are sent home. I have a running document from earlier this year of people who were interested in chaperoning for this field trip.

That's all for this week!

Have a great weekend!

Mr. VW


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