Rainy Days

Good Afternoon,

It certainly doesn't feel like summer anymore, and not necessarily fall either with all the rain we are getting right now. Nevertheless, we carried on inside and it was another full week of learning in 4th grade. It was a week of transition as we started new units in writing, reading, and math. Everyone is coming with great attitudes and putting effort in everyday to learning and growing which is something we talk about weekly that are controllable in being proactive. We are in control of our attitude, and effort daily which helps set us up to have success, and that is something I am proud of everyone working towards!

Week in Review:

Leader in Me: We learned to identify the intensity of our emotions and of those around us. As a family, take turns sharing examples of when you all have felt intense emotions and how you chose or could have chosen a helpful response.

Writing: Writers celebrated their work as narrative writers storytelling to the kindergarteners to start the week, and it was a great highlight of the week to see themselves in that role. We ended our week transitioning to our next unit of essay writing, and coming up with ideas for our personal essays we will get started on in this unit.

Math: Mathematicians displayed the growth they made in this unit during the unit assessment, and we began our next unit focusing on multi-digit multiplication and early division. We are building areas, and understanding dimensions as strategies to help us when solving this type of math.

Reading: Readers finished their first unit which really focused on developing strong interpretations and understandings of the stories they were reading in fiction. Now as we transition to our first non-fiction unit, we are discussing how the strategies we used in our first unit can still work this unit even though it is not fiction.

Content: Researchers worked diligently on their learning projects to showcase what they learned about Wisconsin's First People. They are excited to showcase their learning next Friday from 2:15-2:45!

A Look Ahead:

  • Family Night - October 17th
    • Here is the link  for information and an RSVP form for our October Family Nights on October 17th. Please RSVP if you plan to attend by October 10th. 
  • No School for Students - October 26th & 27th
  • Veteran's Day Concert - Wednesday, November 8th

That's all for this week!

Have a great weekend!

Mr. VW


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