And That's The Last Full Week

Good Afternoon,

Writing this weekly update reflecting back on the week, but also looking ahead has made me realize we have officially reached that point in the school year. That point being that it really is now a reality that our days together as a class are running out. This class has been so special, and being able to see them grow as individuals has been such a joy every day. At this point in the year is when a classroom embodies what you envision it to look like at the beginning of the year, and quite frankly this special group of kids have surpassed anything I could have imagined. We will be sure to enjoy all the days and minutes we have left together for this year. 

Week in Review:

i-Ready - Students completed their end of year i-Ready where we were able to see so much growth for student in reading and math. As always, it is important to remember this is a one day snapshot of their progress, and not the only parameter we use when measuring growth. 4th Grade is filled with so much testing, and I am happy to say that those standardized tests are now finally complete!

Leader in Me: This week, the class practiced reflection. Reflection is an important part of growing as a person. Discuss these questions together as a family: What went well for your family last week? What are areas of growth for our family? How should we celebrate our growth as a family?

Writing: Writers are continuing with their independent realistic fiction writing projects. It is awesome to watch their own interests and passion for writing coming to life on these pieces of writing.

Math: Mathematicians put their knowledge to the test in both their i-Ready math test, but also their unit test which both saw so many celebrations and successes.

Reading: Readers were working on their historical fiction projects with their books clubs as well as completing their reading i-Ready. If you were to walk into our classroom during independent reading time, it would amaze you just how quiet it is because of every reader being engaged in their books reading.

Content: As is tradition at NDLC, 4th Graders are tasked with teaching and leading mini courses at the end of the year. We are using our content time now to plan for that day which the whole school participates in!

A Look Ahead:

  • Wednesday, May 24th, starting at 6:30 P.M. - 4th Grade Concert and Farewell
  • Thursday, May 25th - Field Trip to tour Lambeau Field -- Experience Titletown
  • Friday, May 26th - Early Dismissal
  • Monday, May 29th - NO SCHOOL
  • Tuesday, May 30th - End of Year Picnic at Horseshoe Park starting at Noon
That's all for this week!

Have a great weekend!

Mr. VW


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