Back in the Swing of Things
Good Afternoon,
What an amazing weather week that welcomed us back after spring break! Getting back into routines can sometimes be difficult, but the 4th graders transitioned well as the week went on, even with the weather outside being as beautiful as it was. They completed two more sessions of ELA testing for the Wisconsin Forward this week, and now have just math sessions next week, and social studies the following week. We head into the second half of April next week, and looking forward to continuing the great learning and growing they had this past week!
Week in Review:
Leader in Me: We revisited the first 4 habits of the 7 to be a highly effective leader. Finishing the school your strong we need to have a strong understanding of living out the first 4 habits in order to achieve the private victory.
Writing: Writers started generating realistic fiction story ideas in their writers notebooks. In this new unit, we started with some generating ideas strategies to get us a started so as writers we wanted to focus on the little moments in your lives that can be turned into stories as well as thinking about books we wish existed in our world, and jotting those ideas down.
Math: Mathematicians reviewed for the fractions unit test that they began today. It got off to a great start as they were able to see their scores right away today, and we had a lot of proud, smiling faces seeing the success they had on the start of their assessment.
Reading: Readers began a new unit in one of the more exciting units in my opinion, historical fiction books clubs. Students were able to set their book club constitutions, and get started in their first book where they are diving into their books that are taking them back to various points of history as they are reading!
Content: Researchers learned about the types, causes, and dangers of landslides. In the activity, students were faced with the engineering problems of protecting a house from a landslide and preventing a landslide from happening. They used a brainstorming technique to design creative solutions.
A Look Ahead:
- NDLC Helping Kids in the Community - April 17th-21st
- NDLC’s April service project is collecting wish list items for the Fox Valley Child Advocacy Center, which has a specially trained team of professionals to help children involved in maltreatment and abuse cases.
- NDLC will collect the following items during the week of April 17th:
- Individually packaged snacks (pretzels, crackers, granola bars, fruit snacks)
- Art supplies: Markers, construction paper, coloring books, colored pencils and crayons
- Kids shampoo and conditioner
- Bar soap
- Kids card games
- Playdoh
- Items can be brought to school the week of April 17-21st. Boxes will be available outside of each classroom. This collection is OPTIONAL!
- The classroom that collects the most items will win donuts with officer Romenesko and police officers.
- NDLC Family Night - Monday, April 17th, 5:15-6:30
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