Last Full School Week of February

Good Afternoon,

    As we were talking about the 100th day of school, upcoming dates, and events in class today it dawned upon us that we just completed the final full week of school in the month of February. All of us were pretty dumbfounded at this realization, but it served as a reminder the make the most out of every day we have together. With upcoming field trips to Skate City, Madison as well as Wisconsin Forward testing the reality of the school year being on the back end is becoming more and more real. We will continue to give each day our best efforts and attitude to strive to be a little bit better than the day before, and cherish everyday we have as a class to come to school at NDLC. 

Week in Review:

Leader in Me: Our class talked about the importance of seeking first to understand. Ask your child, “Why is listening to try to understand the other person so important?”

Writing: Writers finalized their research books on their weather topic, and started their final group writing project where they are including more of their opinions in this informational texts. They have a lot of knowledge they have gained through their research so using the power of their voice to teach, and inform is a focus in their final book.

Math: Mathematicians began their new unit where the concepts this week were focused around angles, and measurement. Students used protractors in order to measure certain degrees of angles, and built up vocabulary on terms related to all things angles. 

Reading: Readers celebrated the end of their extreme weather unit by creating a breaking news newscast informing the public of incoming severe weather. Students took their research knowledge, and planned a newscast, and filmed their videos on Seesaw. All students will be given QR codes of their videos that they can take home, and then with a phone could scan and be able to watch!

Content: Researchers had a review of Colonial America up until the 1700s of understanding immigration, battles/disagreements, power, and the beginning of trade from the Old World to the New World. We will begin our research into the 1700's next week of Colonial America leading up to the American Revolution.

A Look Ahead:
  • Valentines Day, Tuesday February 14th (Class celebration to end the day)
  • No School Friday February 17th & Monday February 20th
  • Skate City Field Trip, Friday March 3rd
  • Madison Field Trip, Wednesday March 22nd. (Details are being finalized on the itinerary of our day. Expect permission slips to come home in the next couple of weeks.)
That's all for this week!

Enjoy your weekend!

Mr. VW


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