Snowy Week

 Good Afternoon,

    Hope everyone is hanging in there as it appears a sickness bug has been going through our class. It's never fun when that happens, but we will hang in there together and persevere through. With that being said, the 4th graders have continued to stay motivated, push themselves and each other daily to do their very best even when they may not be feeling the best. I'm hopeful everyone is able to find some time to rest and recharge as we head into the final week of school in the year of 2022.

Week in Review:

Leader in Me: Our class talked about setting goals around our most important roles. Ask your child, “What goals do you have for your roles?”

Writing: Writers began their informational writing unit this week. We have applied some of the same strategies from our first writing unit in narrative by taking each page, and planning that page out filling it with sketches as details that fits for that particular chapter to help our organization. This is always one of my favorite units because seeing the students pride of being able to teach about a topic they are an expert on is such a wonderful way to celebrate them as writers and teachers. 

Math: Mathematicians were continuing to work through division concepts this week. We worked on checking our quotients, and also working with real world problems making sense of the remainders we end up having sometimes with division problems. 

Reading: Readers started reading through some nonfiction texts in the classroom. While trying to build up a knowledge base on the topics we choose that are just right and of interest to us, we are trying to master the skill of being able to read through a nonfiction text being able to identify the main idea and details of that particular text. 

Content:  Students explored the role that air plays in enabling a sound vibration to travel. In the activity, students did two short activities that explore sound vibrations. Students experimented with sound to understand how it moves through the air and then considered what would happen in an environment like space where there is no air.

A Look Ahead: 

  • Recorders are due back to school on Tuesday, January 3rd-Day 3.

That's all for this week!

Have an enjoyable weekend!

Mr. VW


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