December is Here

 Good Afternoon,

    As we welcome in another month of the school year, and are 1/3 of the way through this school year already it's worth mentioning just how much growth everyone has made since September. The students have been working extremely hard daily, and the group as a whole have been trying to live up to the mission statement they created all the way back at the beginning of the year. They wrote a statement that focused around the ideas of honesty, kindness, inclusion, respectful, and lastly to have fun. That's what school should ultimately be about as we want every student to have those pillars instilled in them, and to have fun daily while learning and growing. I'd say this group of 4th graders have done an excellent job living up to that mission statement they wrote to start their learning journey this school year.

Week in Review:

Leader in Me: Our class talked about how saying no to less important things allows us to say yes to our most important things. Ask your child, “To focus on what is most important to you, what do you need to say no to?” 

Writing: Writers drafted out their persuasive essays, and began today working on revising those essays to left the level of their writing. They will continue with their revisions, and editing next week before sending those persuasive essays off for publication!

Math: We transitioned to a brand new unit in math which our focus is now on division. Mathematicians began learning new strategies to solve division problems that have remainders and relating 3 digit multiplication to division when solving those problems.

Reading: Readers working this week on comparing and contrasting themes across texts, while also starting to think how different parts of a book connect to the whole text. We ended the week thinking about differences in how similar themes can be developed between different books.

Content: Researchers concluded their science unit with an assessment. This unit students investigated structures and functions of the human body. Students explored how our bones and muscles are interconnected, how our eyes interact with light and impact our vision, and how our brain responds to stimuli in our environment.

A Look Ahead: 

  • No School - Friday, December 9
  • PJ Day - Thursday, December 15 
  • Family Night: PJs and Publishing - Thursday, December 15⋅5:30 – 6:30pm

Have a great weekend!

Mr. VW 







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