Winter is Coming!

Good Afternoon,

    What a special evening it was last night to be able to honor all Veterans at our annual Veterans Day concert with such an outstanding turnout by families, and the students were absolutely amazing in all of their singing and speeches they gave. It was another great example for me, but for everyone who was able to experience it to feel extremely proud to be a part of NDLC because of special nights like last night. The next time somebody asks "Why NDLC?" you can tell them about special nights like our Veterans Day concert to honor all of the heroes we have in our NDLC family who served for our country. We have great kids, great families, and I'm thankful to be able to have the opportunity to be a part of all of it with you.

Week in Review:

Leader in Me: Our class talked about goal setting. Ask your child, "What is one thing that would make the greatest improvement on how well you learn in the classroom?"

Writing: Writers worked hard this week coming up with a thesis they are passionate about for their personal essays they are beginning to plan out. Once students had a thesis they felt strong about, writers worked on developing three reasons to support their thesis. Writers ended the week thinking of evidence they can use to support each of their reasons using either stories or lists to help guide their evidence. 

Math: The mathematicians in room 88 were continuing on with one digit by 2 or 3 digit multiplication, and then we ended this week beginning to learn about 2 digit by 2 digit multiplication. They are working with the methods that they feel most confident in then are trying to build confidence in these concepts through practice in either bare number problems or word problems.

Reading: Reader are working hard at getting better at growing big ideas in their texts. We are focusing on characters, and what causes the characters in our book to change. Readers are also doing theme work understanding that its often revealed at the end of stories, but evidence is given throughout the whole story. Readers worked with their partner this week to make sure they have a book in their hands that is not only going to challenge them, but ALLOW them to do this high level thinking work!

Content: This past week students discovered the basics of how their eyes work, and figured out some of the causes of vision problems. They explored this topic together, and then built background knowledge to answer the key concept question of: What do people who are blind see?

A Look Ahead:

  • Conferences are next week on Tuesday and Thursday! I am looking to seeing everyone, and being able to share all the progress students have made the first two months. 
  • NDLC Book Fair November 14th-17th!
  • Early Dismissal for students Friday, November 18th
  • No School for students November 23rd-25th

That's all for this week! 

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Mr. VW


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